Many of us recognize certain shared characteristics in top producers.
The Harvard Business School has gone a step further and identified the common traits of top sales people.
The best part is that these traits can be developed -- if you're willing to focus on your performance. These are the attributes Harvard Business School found in highly successful sales people:
Instead of believing that an outside influence could affect their sales (the economy, the market, etc.), they instead became more creative and discovered ways to make it work for them.
This is not to say they aren't disappointed, but they don't dwell on it or allow it to get in the way of future sales.
With the right drive, a sales person can get ahead just by how they plan their time on and off the job – including their choice of friends and associates.
Top producers are able to relate to the customer's position, to imagine their needs and concerns. They also make a habit of responding appropriately.
These high performers are crystal clear on where they are going and closely monitor progress, which helps keep distractions at bay.
Self discipline is a key driver, which means that no matter how tempted, they remain persistent in reaching their goals.
They never compromise their integrity by stretching the truth, thereby earning the loyalty of customers.
Even in new situations, top sales people find a way to break through the discomfort and make friends of total strangers.
Featured on the front page of the Edmonton Journal - May 2007